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Corporate transactions
We regularly advise start-ups and SME’s either buying or selling businesses or requiring carefully constructed shareholder agreements and articles of association.
Our clients tend to be very varied but whatever your business, you can expect the same attention to detail and care from us. Our role is to give you peace of mind that your documentation protects you and there are no nasty surprises. Preparing you well for the process ahead, explaining due diligence and describing which documents you need to produce and when are an important part of what we do too. We want to reduce the chance of last minute surprises which could scupper the deal.
Business Start-ups
Good corporate documents at start-up stage allow shareholders to avoid or resolve conflicts which may later come up. It’s tempting to forego such formal documents but these really help avoid costly mistakes later.
Shareholder disagreements are more common than you may think and ‘off the shelf’ Articles of Association are unsuitable for most businesses. A Shareholder Agreement can be used to prepare for those ‘what happens if?’ events. It can manage situations where one shareholder acts in ways the other(s) don’t like, typically;
Without amended documents you cannot get a shareholder out of the business. The above examples can be managed by amending Articles of Association and provisions within the Shareholder Agreement. We can add good and bad leaver terms, extend pre-emption rights to create rules for how your business is run and define what happens if a shareholder dies or is incapacitated. Even sole traders need to consider if their ‘off the shelf’ Articles protect them adequately (they so often do not).
Our skill is in discussing these issues pragmatically and then drafting robust amendments/additions.
Buying and Selling
When you decide to sell your business you’re intent on gaining a long-awaited financial reward. Buyers of course want to acquire a business on the right terms. Clarity on how you are going to be paid and any ‘deferred’ consideration is especially important in a sale.
If you are buying, understanding the commercial arrangements your seller has in place with their own clients is vital – after all, you may inherit these contracts. If venture capital or private equity is involved in your purchase, there will be additional documents requiring scrutiny.
There are two key documents which sit at the heart of the buying and selling process;
Our expertise is in detailed drafting of these documents for buyers – and interrogating these documents when we’re acting for sellers.
Getting the deal over the line
We recognise that corporate transactions are not always straightforward. Deals can be challenging to get across the line (for all manner of reasons). We focus on the end result – whilst navigating whatever is thrown at you (and us) along the way. Ultimately, we want to achieve the sale or purchase of the business in a way which best protects you. We work closely with your accountant as tax considerations need to be addressed from the start and financial matters sit at the heart of such transactions.
Employment law elements
Sales and purchases do sometimes throw up employment law issues in the form of redundancies, TUPE and restructures/re-organisations. We can provide a seamless process where employment advice is concerned, bringing in our excellent senior employment law experts Luke Menzies or Anne-Marie Boyle as and when the time is right.
Speak to us about how we can help, whatever your corporate transaction.