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Government Reforms (3): BREXIT – Government Guidance

The Home Office has published guidance on:

1. EU Settlement Scheme

The guidance (available here), provides information on the documents necessary to prove a person’s relationship to an EU citizen, submitting evidence of the EU citizen’s identity and nationality, as well as evidence of the EU citizen’s continuous residence in the UK.

The guidance explains that where an individual has:

However, an individual must provide other evidence of the family relationship to an EU citizen, resident in the UK if:


2. Right to work checks for EU, EEA and Swiss employees

The guidance (available here) provides information for employers on right to work checks and the immigration status of EU, EEA and Swiss citizens and their family members working in the UK after Brexit. The guidance states that employers should conduct these checks in the same way they do now until 1 January 2021.

The guidance contains information on:

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