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May 2017 Newsletter – Manufacturing & Engineering sector

It’s May, named after Maia, the Greek goddess linked to spring and growth.  We think it fitting therefore that this month we were all, including employers, asked to open up our minds during Mental Health Awareness week (from 8 to 14 May) and take a fresh look at mental health.  We’re doing our bit to take part in this Newsletter, by looking at the impact of mental ill-health in the workplace and what employers can do to support staff suffering from the condition.   We also update you on the Government’s Response to the ‘High heels and workplace dress codes‘ report and the latest update on the ongoing saga of holiday pay – although it’s good news for employers this time!

Our case update this month focuses on whether a poor attitude to organisational change can amount to gross misconduct, despite procedural failings; whether TUPE Employee Liability Information needs to include detail as to whether employees’ entitlements are contractual; and the EAT’s decision that it is discriminatory on grounds of disability to make a job applicant with Asperger’s syndrome sit a situational judgment test (multiple choice test) as part of the recruitment process.

What we’ve been doing in the Manufacturing & Engineering sector recently…

By the time this newsletter arrives in your inbox we will be just over one week away from our event, “Getting the best out your trade union relationships” which is set to be our most well attended this year.  We’ve clearly hit a pain point for many businesses and it can be very easy to lose sight of the fact that both your company and the union are striving for the same objective, to improve organisational performance, as this benefits both the business and the employees.  We’ll be looking at the ways you can reduce the ‘us and them’ or even worse the ‘us vs them’ feel to union negotiations and remind both sides that that your aims which relate to improving working conditions, increasing performance and the sustainability of the business will in turn mean greater job security and a better place to work. In our view, things work better if the business and the trade union both acknowledge that the other has a legitimate and valued purpose and we’ll be demonstrating how this can be achieved.

If you’d like to know more about this event or seek advice on anything to do with trade unions then please get in contact.

Simon Martin
Partner, Solicitor
email Simon or call 0117 325 0929


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