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Did you know that 1 in 4 British adults will experience at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any year? Or that 11.3 million working days per year are lost due to work related stress – half because of anxiety and stress conditions?
Many employers want to address well-being and mental health issues more openly, but struggle to know how to do it. They’re looking for help both in building a ‘mentally-healthy’ environment for all their workforce, but also for dealing with individual cases where stress, addiction or other mental health problems mean that an employee is unable to perform effectively, or to work at all.
As you will know, we are running a Mental Health in the Workplace Seminar at Eastwood Park on 12 November aimed at employers who find themselves in this predicament. It will include input from our specialist employment lawyers, a consultant occupational health physician and experts at Bristol Mental Health Employment Services – a rare chance to hear from a range of professionals bringing real expertise to this tricky area and to bring your own burning questions to the table.
We hope to see many of you there, and for more information, including how to book places, please follow this link.
Categories: Team News