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Newsflash: Fit for work – roll out

sick leave - business man sneezingWhat do we already know?

In our January Newsflash Fit for work – website & advice line we updated you that although a website, telephone advice line and guidance notes on the new Fit for Work service (FFW) were available, there was at that point no indication of when the referral service for employees would be available.

What is new?

The roll-out of the Fit for Work (FFW) referral service for GPs started on 9 March 2015. Sheffield and Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board are the first areas to gain full GP access to the referral scheme.

The intention is for the roll out to happen on a phased basis, region-by-region, so that by Autumn 2015 England and Wales should be fully covered. Employers will then be able to refer their employees to the scheme direct once the GP referral process has been fully rolled out.

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