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On 18 November 2015 the European Commission launched a public consultation (available here) on ways to overcome work-life balance challenges faced by working parents and caregivers. The consultation runs until 17 February 2016.
The aim of the consultation is to gather views on a range of methods to support work-life balance.
The consultation document notes in particular that women are increasingly well-qualified and outperforming men in terms of educational attainment, however they continue to be under-represented in the workplace. It concludes that despite existing EU legislation, country-specific monitoring and recommendations, policy guidance, and financial support to improve work-life balance and female labour market participation, the situation in member states remains uneven. There are various reasons for this, including lack of work-life balance solutions, lack of sufficient leave arrangements, lack of formal care services and lack of flexible working arrangements. The consultation aims to right the balance.
Tags: work-life balance
Categories: Employment Law