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October 2016 news

anne-marieIt’s October and as the daylight hours recede and the winter nights set in you may have more time on your hands for getting to grips with the latest HR/employment law news (or possibly not and you’re too busy with your workload and getting ready for all the fabulous fun of Halloween and even Christmas!). Either way we’re here to help rather than haunt, with our latest news on what’s happening next with public sector exit payments, ACAS guidance on handling life-threatening conditions at work and how the Equality Human Rights Commission (EHRC) is helping to tackle the gender pay gap.

In our case update this month we look at shared parental leave and discriminatory pay practices, the latest on holiday pay and whether it should include commission, and what (not to) do if an employee makes a flexible working request in order to breastfeed.

What Anne-Marie has been doing recently…

I have finally relented and put the heating on in the house, much to my children’s delight. So, it is with a cosy glow that I write this slot of what I have been up to recently. It is always nice to see a project through from the very first inkling of a thought – right through to its completion. The first Menzies Law White Paper is upon us all. It started off as an idea of mine hatched during the heady days of summer when I wanted to spread the word about the ‘Gender Pay Gap’ and what it means to large private and public organisations. As with so many things, it grew and grew, developed lovely pictures and details and was finally published. If you haven’t seen it so far – here is a link to click. I can honestly say it looks even better in old-fashioned hard copy. Luke took them with him when he was doing his recent slot at the Association of College’s Annual Employment Law conference and I hear they were snapped up quicker than hot sweet potatoes. We would really welcome feedback on this. It has been a major time commitment for several of us and it would be good to know if it was time well spent. Email me your thoughts on

I have also been guiding some clients through the sometime fraught ‘protected conversation’ route. This was meant to be a viable alternative to the ‘without prejudice’ route’ so often used by organisations. I think, if used correctly, it can be a powerful tool, so I am often surprised by how little it seems to be used. There have been a couple of cases on this recently which give some useful guidance.  I think it would be useful if I spread the word on this. I can feel another plan hatching … look out for my next blog!


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