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Summary: Do procedural failings and inclusion in an internal appeal panel of an individual who is junior to the decision-maker necessarily result in an unfair dismissal?
No, says the EAT in Adeshina v St George’s University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and others available here.
Facts: The employee was dismissed for gross misconduct. She appealed but the decision was upheld by a panel consisting of three senior managers and an independent advisor.
The employee brought a claim for unfair dismissal. The Tribunal dismissed her claim and the employee appealed.
The EAT agreed that the employee had not been unfairly dismissed. The EAT found that there were a number of procedural failings in the dismissal process:
However, the EAT found that the dismissal was fair because:
Further, in relation to the last bullet point, the EAT acknowledged the reality that senior managers will have involvement in the management of a number of employees and may also sit on disciplinary panels in which those employees might be involved. It would be both unworkable and undesirable for senior managers to avoid these connections. Prior dealings with an employee, without something more which suggested bias, could not render the dismissal unfair.
Implications: This is a useful case that highlights a sympathetic approach by the EAT to challenges which many employers face. Small and medium sized employers in particular often encounter practical difficulties when identifying an appropriate appeal manager and find that there is no one of sufficient seniority who is also independent. Large organisations may find it difficult to identify someone who has had no prior dealings with the employee, but who also understands the business unit to which the employee belongs. The EAT has helped by adopting a realistic approach which took into account the challenges that employers face, rather than simply applying the ACAS Code.