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It’s May and we hope the excitement of the royal wedding and the fabulous sunshine had a positive impact on you and all your staff. Hopefully, the relief of getting to the GDPR finish line has also lifted spirits and you’re ready for the next instalment of HR/employment law news. (Although we do have just one last word for you on GDPR guidance – sorry!). We also update you on increase in Tribunal awards and dress code guidance from the Government.
In our case update we bring further news on shared parental leave pay and sex discrimination, from when notice starts to run and the impact of no oral modification clauses when it comes to varying contracts.
We have had quite a few queries in recent weeks from manufacturing clients about collective consultation and redundancies. As a reminder if you make 20 or more employees redundant in a 90 day period then there is a 30 day consultation period, if there are more than 100 employees in a 90 day period then the statutory consultation period is 45 days. The key thing is to make sure that if there is a risk that you may hit either of those totals that you err on the side of caution and do the correct consultation period. You should bear in mind that any employees where you plan to amend terms and conditions by terminating and re-engaging will also count towards those totals. This is a tricky area and you should take advice at an early stage, not least because the potential consequences for getting it wrong is an award for 90 days’ pay per affected employee.
Simon Martin
Partner, Solicitor
email Simon or call 0117 325 0929
Categories: Newsletters