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This Law Equality and Diversity Policy applies to clients, suppliers, employees, contractors, consultants, managers, former employees and job applicants of Menzies Law (“the firm”) and any other third parties we engage with.
It is the aim of the firm to have an exemplary approach to promoting equality and diversity and also to provide and promote equality regardless of:
Our firm has a very clear and firm commitment to Principle 9 and to Chapter 2: Equality and Diversity of the Solicitors Regulation Authority’s Code of Conduct, which means:
All dealings with us will have fair treatment of all clients, suppliers, employees, contractors, consultants, managers, former employees and job applicants of the firm. Therefore the firm will make all decisions about recruitment, selection, promotion/progression, retention, pay and benefits, access to training and other employment decisions objectively without unlawful discrimination.
None of those groups of people outlined in the scope of this policy will be unlawfully discriminated against. Nor will they be victimised or harassed in the course of professional dealings with the firm. We will make all reasonable adjustments to prevent any person with those groups who is disabled from being at a substantial disadvantage in comparison to those who are not disabled.
The firm is committed to providing a working environment free of unlawful discrimination, victimisation and harassment. Because of this, breaches of this policy may result in disciplinary action including dismissal.
The firm will take all reasonable steps to ensure that all employees, consultants and contractors are aware of this policy and that they comply with it. Clients, the Solicitors Regulation Authority and any other relevant third party as appropriate will also have access to the policy.
Finally, the firm’s Director is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy. All new employees will have the policy brought to their attention and appropriate training will be provided. We will annually review and amend the policy as necessary.
Our firm is a market leader in expertise in the field equality and diversity issues, advisory work as well as the provision of management training solutions.
We provide clients with equality and diversity training events of the highest quality. Due to this, we consider our advisory and training staff and associates to be some of the leading experts in this field in the region.
Flexible working enables our staff to find their own work life/balance. For our firm as a whole it promotes equality of opportunity, because it allows us to better attract and retain diverse talent and enhance business performance.
In addition, our firm has always taken a market-leading position in offering extensive flexible working to all. This includes members of staff, consultants, contractors and also associates. The vast majority of our staff currently work flexibly, often from home, therefore allowing the maximum possible work/life balance opportunities. Even full-time members of staff have elements of flexible working available to them, upon immediate request.
We follow our Procurement Protocol when entering into procurement contracts with our suppliers, to promote best practice in equality amongst them.
Any complaint of unlawful discrimination will be initially dealt with through the grievance procedure (for staff) or through our Complaints Handling Policy (for clients). If appropriate, we will then use our Disciplinary Procedure.
Our Equality and Diversity Action Plan (an internal document) deals with: