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20 November 2018
The Law Commission's present review of the 3-month limitation period for bringing Employment Tribunal (ET) claims provides an interesting opportunity for reflection....
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13 July 2015
What do we already know? On 6 April 2014, ACAS launched a free early conciliation (EC) service for employers and employees. EC...
30 March 2015
01 December 2014
29 September 2014
27 May 2014
12 May 2014
As of 6 May 2014 the new Early Conciliation Rules of Procedure (EC) process is mandatory. The vast majority of claims presented...
14 April 2014
What do we already know? The new Early Conciliation Rules of Procedure (EC) came into force on 6 April 2014. Any new...
07 April 2014
What do we already know? The new Early Conciliation Rules of Procedure (EC) came into force on Sunday 6 April 2014. Any...
31 March 2014
What do we already know? The Government announced in November 2011 that it intended to introduce 'Early Conciliation' (EC) as the first...
30 July 2013
The Government has just published its response to its consultation on the details of the above scheme, which it announced in November...
01 July 2013
The Government has published an updated implementation timetable for the provisions of its central reform package, set out in the Enterprise and...