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09 February 2021
What do we already know? At the time of our December Newsletter, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) was due to end...
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23 December 2020
What do we already know? At the time of our October Newsletter Coronavirus (COVID-19): End of Furlough and beyond the Coronavirus Job...
21 October 2020
What do we already know? We updated you in our July and August Newsletter Coronavirus (COVID-19): All things furlough - (again!) that...
11 September 2020
What do we already know? As explained in our April Newsletter All Things Furlough - FAQS and what we know so far,...
What do we already know? We updated you in our July and August Newsletter Coronavirus (COVID-19): Beyond furlough - A plan for...
13 August 2020
What do we already know? As explained in our April Newsletter All Things Furlough - FAQS and what we know so far...
On 8 July 2020 the Government introduced "A Plan for Jobs" (see here). This included several measures designed to assist the economy...
12 June 2020
As explained in our April Newsletter All Things Furlough - FAQS and what we know so far the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme...
ACAS has issued guidance for employers on handling disciplinary and grievance processes during the Coronavirus pandemic (available here). The guidance confirms that...
15 May 2020
At the risk of (over-) loading you with more Coronavirus information, we thought it would helpful to add to our FAQs on...
17 April 2020
It is hard to imagine that less than a month ago hardly any of us had heard of the word 'furlough'. Now...
06 April 2020
Our Menzies Law Guide to All Things Furlough went out to you on Thursday with the caveat that Government guidelines on furlough...