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27 October 2014
We've told you about the Government's and ACAS's guidance (available here and here) on shared parental leave. However, given its imminent arrival...
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06 October 2014
It's that time of year when the biannual employment legislation changes take place, and the following came into effect on 1 October...
29 September 2014
In our Newsflash Fathers' time off for antenatal appointments we let you know that from 1 October 2014 fathers will have the...
22 September 2014
From 1 October 2014 expectant fathers, or the partner of a pregnant woman, will have the right to take unpaid time off...
27 May 2014
On 30 June 2014, the right to request flexible working will be extended to all employees with at least 26 weeks' continuous...
04 March 2014
Implementation dates have been confirmed for the right to request flexible working and the right to shared parental leave. What do we...
28 February 2014
What do we already know? In our November 2012 Newsletter, Family friendl(ier): working on the childcare conundrum... we let you know that...
06 February 2014
Flexible working for all has been delayed. It was due to come into effect on 6 April 2014 but will instead be...
28 February 2013
The Government, tirelessly pressing on with yet more employment law reforms, is proposing a number of important amendments to its Enterprise and...